At first glance, Invisalign is a straightforward procedure. After all, the trays only work so long as you wear them for a long enough time. However, this aligner treatment is pretty easy to delay or even derail. If you aren’t careful, you just might ruin it by accident. Fortunately, our dentist in Frisco can help keep things on track. Here’s a summary of three bad practices you should avoid while using Invisalign trays.
Leaving Your Trays in the Open
While it might seem harmless enough, leaving your trays in the open is a bad idea.
For one thing, you might lose or damage your aligners. Trays are often mistaken for trash, you see, so they might be thrown out by mistake. The aligners could also fall on the floor and get crushed underfoot.
Furthermore, keeping your trays outside is unsanitary. Left in the open air, they’ll connect with airborne pathogens that cause bacterial buildup.
Given such facts, try to store your aligners in an Invisalign case. That way, they’ll stay safe and clean!
Eating or Drinking While Wearing Aligners
Aligners are subtle and non-disruptive, but that doesn’t mean you can wear them during meals. Eating or drinking when they’re still on your teeth will cause major problems.
Crucially, aligners get damaged as you eat with them. They wear down due to biting, grow dirty with food bits, and erode from various substances. Hot drinks, especially, distort the plastic in your trays.
Leaving the trays in your mouth is also a health risk. For example, sugary liquid from a beverage may get trapped between the aligners and your teeth. Should that happen, your odds of cavities and tooth stains will increase.
Not Cleaning Your Teeth After a Meal
Of course, you should always clean your teeth after eating. It signifies good manners and a way to keep your pearly whites healthy. That said, this habit is even more essential during Invisalign treatment.
If you fail to brush or floss once a meal ends, food particles will likely get stuck against your teeth. As such, re-inserting the trays will trap those “leftovers” for an extended period. The result is an increased risk of dental problems — issues that could disrupt your treatment over time.
Ultimately, you want Invisalign with your dentist in Frisco to go well. Don’t practice the habits above to ensure you reach your straight smile!
About the Practice
Archway Dental is based in Frisco, TX. As led by Dr. Deval Parmar, our practice strives to meet all its patients’ dental needs. Therefore, you can count on us for preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, as well as emergency smile procedures. We’re even a certified provider of Invisalign clear aligners that straighten teeth! For more information or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (972)-972-4646.