Do you feel like you could be doing a better job of protecting your teeth and gums? The beginning of a new year is an excellent time to start making improvements to your oral care. That way, you’ll be able to enjoy a healthier smile that you’ll be proud to show off for the next 365 days. Below are 5 ideas for dental New Year’s resolutions that you might consider making.
1. Floss Every Day
How often do you floss? Chances are that the answer is either “less than once a day” or “not at all.” By not flossing, you’re giving harmful plaque and tartar a chance to accumulate between the teeth, which could eventually lead to gum disease or a cavity in a hard-to-reach place. To keep your smile safe, you should add flossing to your daily oral hygiene routine as soon as possible. Try leaving your dental floss on top of your toothpaste so that you don’t forget.
2. Brush Longer
The average person only brushes for about 45 to 70 seconds at a time. However, according to the ADA, you should always brush your teeth for two minutes in the morning and two minutes at night. Are you not cleaning your teeth as thoroughly as you could? You can set a timer to ensure that every brushing session lasts as long as it needs to.
3. Give Up Smoking
There are plenty of reasons why you might want to make giving up smoking your New Year’s resolution, not the least of which is the impact it can have on your oral health. Smoking can significantly increase your risk for gum disease as well as tooth loss. The sooner you give up smoking, the safer your grin will be. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources that can make this process easier, so take the time to do a little research online.
4. Drink Less Sugar
Sports drinks, soda, tea, and certain alcoholic beverages tend to contain a lot of sugar. The bacteria in your mouth can turn sugar into acids that gradually cause cavities to form in your enamel. As such, you should make an effort to reduce the number of sugary drinks you consume. Enjoying one every so often is fine as long as you’re careful not to overindulge.
5. Start Scraping Your Tongue
Brushing and flossing help remove bacteria from your teeth and gums, but what about the harmful organisms on your tongue? If you want your mouth to be as clean as possible, you should invest in a tongue scraper. For the best results, scrape your tongue whenever you finish brushing.
These are just a few ideas for changes you can make in 2023. Talk to your dentist to see if they have any other suggestions for New Year’s resolutions that can enhance your oral health.
About the Author
Dr. Deval Parmar prides herself in taking an honest, ethical, and caring approach to dentistry. She always puts the needs of her patients first, and thanks to her training she’s able to offer a wide variety of dental services. At Archway Dental, she helps families in Frisco protect their smiles from tooth decay and gum disease. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Parmar, visit her website or call (972) 972-4646.