The misconceptions about a tooth extraction are what make the said dental service a ‘turn off’ to some. Whether the procedure is performed on the wisdom tooth or the pearly white that has been badly affected by decay, tooth extraction is simply surrounded by false facts. But if you are someone who needs a tooth removal treatment, there’s no need for you to be anxious. Our team at Archway Dental will help you feel at ease during the procedure. We have sedation dentistry services that are able to calm patients with dental fear and anxiety. And to convince you further that tooth extraction is far from what most people think it is, we busted its myths below.
The Myths of Tooth Extraction
Myth 1
Patients after a tooth extraction procedure cannot eat anything but blended foods alone—this is a myth. The truth is, it is okay for a person to eat whatever foods they like as long as they chew on the opposite side of the extracted area. The reason why it is advised to maintain a soft diet following the procedure is for discomfort to be avoided. So as long as the site of extraction is not disturbed, eating will not be a burden.
Myth 2
Another funny misconception about tooth extraction tells that those who are pregnant are more prone to tooth extraction. To think that every woman during their pregnancy will undergo tooth extraction for each child they have is absurd. This old wives’ tale is not worthy to be entertained either. Pregnant women may usually encounter hormonal changes, making their mouths susceptible to bacteria, but it doesn’t mean that their teeth are at risk for extractions. With good oral hygiene, the need for teeth removal is lessened.
Myth 3
Many people refuse to undergo a tooth extraction procedure because it is frequently misunderstood as being excruciatingly painful. In reality, newer techniques made tooth removal treatment more comfortable. Anesthesia and other sedatives are there to keep patients calm during the procedure. The only discomfort that they will encounter while undergoing an extraction is the minimal poke of a needle during the administration of local anesthesia.
Do not delay a tooth removal treatment just because of its myths. If you are in need of a Tooth Extraction in Frisco, TX, call us at Archway Dental right away. You may also visit our clinic at 11501 Custer Rd. #100, Frisco, TX 75035.